The Autopsy of John Wilkes Booth "The Best of Body Bags with Joseph Scott Morgan"
This episode of Body Bags with Joseph Scott Morgan is a look at the death and autopsy of John Wilkes Booth. Booth shot Abraham Lincoln from behind around 10:15 pm April 14, 1865. He died the next morning, April 15, at 7:22 am. Joseph Scott Morgan and Dave Mack will uncover the track that Booth took as he tried to escape, and finally being shot himself. Joseph Scott Morgan will make you feel like you witnessed the autopsy yourself as he explains, in great detail, the autopsy of John Wilkes Booth.
Transcribe Highlights
00:13 .63 Introduction - autopsy of John Wilkes Booth
01:45 .79 Discuss Forensic expert is a history fan
05:09 .53 Talk about the Booth acting family
08:22 .93 Discussion of how Booth wrecked everything
12:47 .62.Talk about Booth jumping to stage
18:45 .53 Discussion of expectation
22:49 .66 Talk about the conspiracy
27:50 .24.Discussion of Booth broken leg
32:01 .96 Talk about comparing Lincoln to Kennedy
38:40 .42 Discussion of Booth not getting help
41:08 .80 Talk about getting Booth on boat
48:59 .90.Discussion of putting a door on saw horses as a table
50:03 .11 Talk about Autopsy in 1800s
52:18 .34 Discussion of Booth being wrapped in military blanket
56:27 .97 Conclusion, Lincoln wanted the country to heal
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